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What is a professional organizer?

A professional organizer is an individual who has knowledge in organizing spaces and creating systems that are practical for daily life. A professional organizer will work to understand the struggles that a client is having around their organization (whether it be in a home, school, or office), and coach the client through creating and maintaining a calm and functional space.

Why should I hire a professional organizer?

Have you struggled with organization for quite some time? Has a recent situation (i.e. a move, new baby, divorce, etc.), made it difficult for you to stay organized? Have you tried getting organized before to no avail?
These are all common struggles that many of us are facing. A professional organizer is a coach, a cheerleader, and teacher that will help you to see the light at the end of the clutter tunnel by transferring organizational methods and skills to their clients.

I'm not ready to get rid of my things!

While I may recommend purging items that are not serving a purpose in your life right now, I will never ask a client to part with anything they are not ready to. It is your space and your belongings. You are in total control of what stays and goes! I am here to help guide and coach you to a more functional space, whatever that may mean to you.

I'd like help but I'm embarrassed by my space.

I'd be a very rich lady if I had a nickel for every time a client said this to me (okay, maybe not rich, but I could definitely buy something). I always like to remind my clients that I am here to help you, not judge you. Your home is the most intimate and vulnerable place you spend your time, and it is absolutely normal to have these feelings before a new person enters it. I do not walk into a home or space and see it the same way that you might. I see potential and immediately begin thinking of ways to organize. 

I promise I have seen it all and then some (it takes a lot to scare me-and I haven't been afraid yet!)

Do I need to help you organize? Do I need to be home?

Not necessarily.

I have had clients give me a spare key or their garage code so I can come in and do my thing while they are at work! I have had clients who just like to "pop in" every so often and then go back to their tasks at home.  Yes, this is definitely less work for you, but! being a part of the organizing process is so important (especially if organizing is challenging for you). It helps me coach and teach you how to organize, and allows us to problem solve together along the way so that we can create a plan that works for you.

Also important to note: If 4 hours is too long for you, we can work together at the beginning or end of the session and I can continue on my own for the remaining time! In any case, I always like to have my client's input.



What do I do with my donations when we're done?

Nothing (unless you want to). I have a big SUV (I've named her Pretty as I think every car should have a name). I haul away most donations for you! If you have a specific place you'd like me to donate to, I can absolutely do that. I try to donate to places that can directly use the item (i.e. shelters, food pantries, foster children, etc.). I can even bring a tax receipt back if you'd like one!

Do you help set up and conduct garage/yard sales?

You bet!

Are there any homes or environments that you don't organize?

Unfortunately I do not organize or accept the following:


  • Homes in which there is smoking

  • Homes with mold or other health/safety hazards

  • Crawl Spaces (or spaces in which I cannot stand upright)

What if I need to buy organizational materials (bins, baskets, shelves, etc)?

I do my best to "shop from home" and repurpose what you already have. However, if you are looking for additional materials (or if they are needed), I create a personalized list for you based on your needs and budget. I can shop for and bring these materials with me to the session, or you can purchase them yourself and have them ready at your home for our session together!

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